My shack

Here are a few pictures of the ham shack. They go from left to right clockwise around the room. For scale this is a 10’x10′ room. I wish I had more room but I am glad to have a radio room and test bench again! No ham shack is ever big enough. Tell me I am wrong.

On the far left is a Collins 55G-1 LF/MF active preselector and speaker which is used with the Collins 51S-1 receiver next to it. Atop the 51S1- is a Heathkit SB-620 “Scanalyzer”. On the right is a Hammarlund HQ-129-X general coverage HF receiver. Partially out of frame above it is a 34″ Samsung monitor connected to an HDMI switch that takes feeds from an ATSC tuner, a Roku media box, the Raspberry Pi you can’t see and a laptop computer.

Next bench, left to right: Central Electronics 200V HF transmitter with an SBE-34 HF transceiver on top of it and a Bird 43 directional watt-meter on top of that. Then a Collins 75A-4 receiver with a Kenwood R-2000 general coverage receiver above it. Above that is a home brew speaker switch, the power supply for the Ten-Tec Jupiter in the next picture and a Collins 302C-1 directional watt-meter.

Next bench, left to right: Central Electronics 100V transmitter with Ten-Tec Jupiter on top of it. On the bench is an Astatic D-104 microphone, a Heathkit SA-5010 CW keyer and a set of Bencher paddles. On the right is an E.F. Johnson Viking Adventurer CW HF transmitter on top and below it an E.F. Johnson Viking match-box.

Next is a Collins R-390A receiver with two pieces of HP test equipment on top of it. An HP 8657A RF signal generator and an HP 5328A frequency counter.

This is the test bench, where the real fun happens!

The upper shelf holds a bunch of VHF and UHF handheld radios of various types as well as speakers for the mobile radios below. In addition there is a Bird 4304A directional RF watt-meter, a Heathkit line voltage monitor and a Staco Variac. A Sideband Engineers desk mic lurks to the right of the Variac.

The lower shelf holds a number of VHF and UHF mobile radios with 12V power supplies, a Fluke 110 true RMS DMM, an HP 427A voltmeter, an HP 204C oscillator, an HP 6220B variable DC power supply and a CT Systems 3000B communications analyzer.

On the bench itself there is a Tektronix 2246 oscilloscope, a Simpson 260 VOM, a Tektronix 157 DMM, a GW Instek SFG-1013 function generator, a Weller WE-1010 soldering station and an EICO 1030 high voltage power supply.

The under-shelf lighting are LED strips from IKEA and there is a heavy duty anti-static mat on the bench top. That’s the current state of the ham shack. This isn’t my first ham shack but it is the best one to date. Having been out of the hobby for nearly 25 years I wanted my next ham shack to be a proper one. I spend the long, cold Alberta winters in it, after all!